Monday, January 25, 2010

Are we there yet?

We have arrived in Oklahoma with high hopes and big expectations. But, of course this was not without a scare leaving Florida. We started to think that Florida was simply refusing to let ANYONE out with their money. Four hours down the road and 5 days after selling our house, the title company was "looking" for our money. Not a good thing to say to us. But, don't loose faith in those you trust in real estate. We finally confirmed our money and on we went. We are now safely tucked into a Residence Inn in Norman Oklahoma. The cats traveled well (would they say that?), but continually look at the ceiling of this hotel wondering what kind of monsters are making that noise above us (a family of 3 kids!).

Naturally, as soon as we got here, our realtor went on a vacation to Florida. We learned, the properties we liked when we did not have our money are no longer available and the properties that we did not like, are still available now that we have money. Are you noticing a trend here?

So, we are on a quest to understand this market and not second guess ourselves. What was wrong with slowly going down the financial tube in Florida? What WERE, no what ARE we thinking?

We have identified 2 properties that are actually in our price range: Ma and Pa Kettle's, and Cowboy California's. Ma and Pa's is in a great location close to Norman and comes complete with it's own trashed trailer and broken down bus (perhaps our new guest house?). It needs extensive work but low and behold, has a contract with the USDA Soil Conservation Program to improve the acres. Cowboy California is in better condition but, of course, higher price. We walk that tomorrow and will report how that goes in a later blog.

I must say, we have new respect for the local extension office out of Oklahoma State and the USDA Soil Conservation office. They were patient and understanding of our complete ignorance and didn't look at us like we had 3 heads and 11 toes. I suddenly don't feel alone in this quest and am beginning to feel perhaps this is not such a crazy idea. My husband said "I told you so". We will see. We and the cats have yet to endure a predicted 12" snow storm on Thursday. Watch for details!

I am attaching some pictures of Rancher Rick and unknown dogs exploring Ma and Pa's acerage. Enjoy and watch for more.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're documenting your journey! Can't wait to hear more!
