Sunday, February 7, 2010

Water Always Wins

Inspection finally got done! All was going really well. The house we were having inspected was showing the typical small problems where things were fixed in a half assed sort of way; nothing really very major. Then we heard the "Oh no!" NOT what you want to hear from a guy crawling around in the crawl space under the home. When he emerged, dirty and muddy, he did not have good news. Apparently the sill plate (not sure that is the correct construction term) was so wet it was dripping water....and black. So, coming from Florida I said " in black mold?" thinking he would say, "no, certainly not that". But yes, possibly that. And the source of the water could not be identified. It looks like it has been a long term problem. As both residents of the home are unreliable (and not just from age) we could not ascertain if there had been any kind of "water event" that could have caused this. More troubling. One of our Residence Inn cell mates proclaimed when she heard this story "Great, it is probably an Artesian Spring! Demolish the house, and bottle it with the name OU WATER. Everyone who has religion will buy it and you will be rich!" Hmmmmmm maybe she is onto something.

But back to the story. We all left and we informed the agent this WAS most definately a deal breaker. And in true Oklahoma fashion, nothing was done. We finally got a couple of contractors names and one actually called back 24 hours later. He said he would talk with the building inspector. So, here we sit and wait while others seem to be talking but not doing. I am so frustrated with this that I am beginning to really forget the meaning of patience. I am sure I have none left.

Hopefully tomorrow, someone somewhere will do something that will grant us more information. But as of this writing I cannot see an easy fix. And as one of our good friends from Florida noted, "Remember, Therese, WATER ALWAYS WINS!" Got it.

We found a small, but enthusiastic Unity Church that we attended today. The lesson was about trust and belief. What a coincidence I should attend. We made about 20 best friends immediately and even got fed. I had some of the best barbecued beef I have ever tasted. And how about another weird thing....the couple we sat next to were also relocating, he from Ft Myers, Florida. We had even attended the same Unity Church there. Strange.

We move into a short term rental in a few days (thank you Modern Movers!). It is a small little place that will allow us to sleep in our own bed and not feel like we are just on a clueless, budget vacation. Now it will feel like we are just camping. We don't intend to unpack anything but what we need and are too cheap to buy. Somehow in my 8 dish packs I will need to find my knives, a few pots and pans, the coffee maker and maybe a dish or two. Of course, we did not label anything better than "kitchen". Smart move. I obviously have not moved enough in my life. But at least we will be a bit more comfortable while we search for our clue. A new search is under way and we will keep you all posted.

Now onto to watching the Superbowl. Sometimes it is nice to forget all the important, pressing problems and just spend time on something that means nothing. So long for now and remember "WATER ALWAYS WINS!

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